Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'll be your fantasy

I love you oh so much Fred, you have no idea.
Nietzsche, my hero. But I'm not in the mood to talk about him, maybe next time. Lol.

Currently listening to: Sugar Skulls - Envy on the Coast

Isabella stand a little bit taller.
I don't deserve your tears
Anymore than you deserve the fears
That I have left you with, dear.
Oh, May I bless your every last tear?

"She's just a little girl, she knows nothing of this little game we
Like to play"

So tell the martyrs to wait at the gate.
This is an actual case of the truth.
At least, that's what they call it these days.

So tell your brothers and sisters to wait,
'Cause love is nothing to waste,
And I swore,
Never your heart, shall I break.

So there's this thing called boredom and when it strikes, you just can't help but think and think and think until you scare yourself with all the if's, what could have been's and but's. I have to say that New Year is a bust. It's another year, so what? New shit? Then what? I have to say that it's pretty overrated (No offense to all the believers and patrons of New Year's). I gotta say that change can come any time. You don't have to start during New Year's. Gaahh. Whatever. Bah Humbug to New Year.

Anyway, my New Year was alright. Spent it at home and out partying and drinking after with my boyfriend (oh yes someone loves me! Shocker right?) and friends. Feels pretty liberating to go out during those family occasions. Though it's making me feel old, I have to say that it's better than being stuck at home, drinking with my family and just surfing the net or what not.

Hmm. My job. Is hella crazy. Lol. I work for a private company that supplies the water in the east zone area of Metro Manila (Go figure). I work for a director there and I have to say that I am very lucky to have him as my boss. I do administrative work so it gets pretty tiring at the end of the day. But on good days, I just sit with a panel while listening to a business area review writing down minutes and the like. Free food. Free time. Boredom. Meh. I'm confused if I like my work or not. Though it pays good for minimal work I must say. Bought a lot of shit! Like before starting working, I came across a site that sells polaroids and thought that I'd buy one for my first paycheck, and ALAS! It came true! Lucky bastard am I not? Lol. Bought also a heck of a lot of clothes for office and yes, MY NEW HOLGA GLASS TWIN LENS REFLEX <3.

My three lovely cameras! Olympus DSLR, Fuji Polaroid and Holga GTLR Lomo Camera (IT'S PINK!!!)
I can't friggin' wait to develop all my films! So far, I've used 2 films, one black and white and one colored. It is so fun to take up lomography as a hobby. It's not like any other photography experience. You get to be challenged as a photographer because first of all, it is not digital. So there's no viewfinder to see how'd you do with the shot. And! There's no delete option so it's either you hit it or bust. It's a pretty pricey hobby but I think it's worth it. My polaroid camera are for memories. I love it oh so much you have no idea! (Btdub, I sound like a kid in a candy store when I talk about cameras LOL. Don't even get me started with friggin' Yoga! Hahaha!)

Anyway, so much for cameras. Share your hobbies with me, I might try them out just 'cause I'm bored :)


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